Going it Alone – How to Make a Success of a Contracting Career

Reconsidering your career options? Ever thought about contracting? Don’t be scared, be excited! A successful contracting career could be just the ticket for you!

How to Make a Success of a Contracting Career

For many of us who have only ever had a full-time job, the idea of contracting may feel slightly terrifying. 

What if I don’t have another job when my contract ends, you might wonder. 

Or, how will it feel to have to get to know new people all the time? Will I ever get promoted if I contract? 

It’s normal to have questions. And fortunately, we have answers. 

In order to unpack exactly what it takes to become the most successful contractor (and exactly why you should do it!), we spoke to Imelda Walsh, General Manager of The Source Recruitment. Imelda has placed hundreds of hugely successful contractors, and has deep insights into exactly what her clients are looking for, and how to make contracting work for you.  

Do you need a specific type of personality to make contracting work? 

Can anyone be a contractor? Of course they can! But can anyone be a highly successful contractor? Not quite.  As contracting involves near-constant change and new challenges, to be a successful contractor you need a certain set of personality traits. 

Imelda explains: 

“Unlike in a full-time job, where you’d typically have a while to settle in, contractors are usually expected to jump right in. They are primarily there to solve a problem, and they are expected to have the capabilities to do just that.”

The problems or gaps that contractors are expected to fill aren’t always simple though, says Imelda. She says that to succeed, you need to have an entrepreneurial mindset

“Rarely is a contracting role so clear cut that every day is the same. Instead, you’ll be expected to overcome challenges, be decisive, and accept responsibility for your outcomes. In short, you’ll be expected to get results.”  

Will I run out of work as a contractor? 

For those of us in full-time employment roles, one of our ultimate fears about contracting is: what on earth happens when an engagement ends?! But one thing that seasoned contractors know is that there is always another opportunity just around the corner, and that often, it’s possible to have some much-needed time off between projects. 

The reason that this is possible, says Imelda, is that the most successful contractors are also great networkers, and are always making the most of opportunities: 

“The best contractors I’ve seen are always working their networks, regardless of whether they’re in a role currently or they are looking. They are always exploring new opportunities in a professional way.” 

This, in fact, is one of the many benefits of being a contractor, Imelda believes: 

“If you work full-time in a role for one organisation for a long time, you can expand your network, but you do need to put effort into doing so. As a contractor, however, you are constantly meeting new people and forming new connections. 

“The best contractors treat every new connection as a potential opportunity, and honestly, it works.”

As a contractor, you have the control. You’re behind the steering wheel. You might not know exactly what your next destination is, only that there is one!

“The best contractors are really never out of work, unless they want to be,” says Imelda, “And if they are out of work, they know that more work will be just around the corner.” 

What success look likes as a contractor 

In your career, there are many ways to succeed. You can climb the corporate ladder and eventually become a  CPO. Alternatively, you can design your own version of success. This could be simply enjoying your work, working for your dream company, or becoming an expert in any one area of your field. 

The great thing about being a contractor, Imelda says, is that there are many ways to succeed. While contractors are not typically hired for managerial or executive positions (although this is becoming more common), there are many routes available for you to explore: 

“Firstly, contractors are paid more, so if you are looking for more money, you’ll usually succeed in that respect. But many contractors succeed in other ways too, for example, they become known as top of their field or experts in certain areas. 

“Due to their diverse skill set, they are also more likely to move between companies and work for their ‘dream’ company.

“Successful contractors really can have their pick of opportunities, plus earn great money with flexibility … it’s a definition of success that a lot of people aspire to with great reason.” 

Sounds like a pretty ideal balance to us! 

The growing contractor workforce

Many people are considering, or starting to make the shift to contracting careers. And the numbers are showing it! Our recent report produced in conjunction with Beeline revealed that in just two short years, over half the global workforce will be contingent. 

Contractors come under the umbrella of contingent labour, so as a ‘non-employee’, it’s important that you have an understanding of how each company you approach manages and communicates with their outsourced workforce. The Out of the Shadows: Procurement’s Opportunity to Shine a Light on Contingent Labour has the insight to guide your contracting decisions.

Are you a successful contractor? Or are you considering contracting? Let us know in the comments below. And if you’re wanting to know more about the state of the contractor and contingent workforce, we’ve got the ultimate resource for you! Download your free copy of Out of the Shadows: Procurement’s Opportunity to Shine a Light on Contingent Labour today, and register for our June 30 webcast!