Going Dancing? Deal With This Supply Chain Crisis First!

Planning on going dancing with the nine ladies at the Christmas party? First, there’s a crisis to solve.

The traditional 12 days of Christmas might not start until the 26th of December. But this festive season, we’ll be bringing you the 12 days of procurement Christmas in the run up to the big day. Catch up with the first eight days on the Procurious Blog.

On the 9th day of Christmas my true love sent to me – a work Christmas party! But before you can go dancing, a major supplier calls you with some bad news. Let us regale you with the story of how Procurious saved Christmas!


‘Twas the day before Christmas, and I sat in my chair,

Before my computer, pulling my hair.

My colleagues had left for the work Christmas party,

Their voices were merry, their laughs loud and hearty.


The plan was to join them once emails were read,

While visions of Christmas treats danced in my head.

“I’ll be just a minute!” I’d shouted with glee.

How little I knew of the fate before me.


That’s when my phone gave a shout (what a clatter!)

I gulped – what was wrong? What was the matter?

An earthquake? A flood? My supply chain on fire?

Whatever it was, it was bound to be dire.


I picked up the phone with a trembling hand

It was a supplier! “They’ve taken a stand!”

“Who have?” I groaned, completely unmanned:

“Our workers! They’re striking! It’s bad for the brand!”


“But it’s Christmas!” I yelled. “The timing is shocking!”

“I think that’s the point?” he replied, knees-a-knocking.

I flew to my laptop and the project I checked

Without those supplies the whole thing was wrecked.


I leaped back to the phone: “Forget it!” I said.

“I’ll have to find a different vendor instead!”

Did I have a plan B? A second supplier?

No I did not, and now things were haywire.


I scrolled through my contacts, I Googled and Bing’d

Yahooed and LinkedIn ’till my eyes were red-rimmed

As I mentioned before, I was pulling my hair

“This isn’t Christmas-y! This isn’t fair!”


I slumped at my desk, my heart pounding sickly,

I knew a supply must be procured quickly.

And that’s when a lightbulb blinked on in my head

“I know where I should be looking instead!”


Back to the screen I leapt with a flurry

And typed in “Procurious.com” in a hurry.

This was my chance to stop repercussions

I logged into the site and clicked on “Discussions”.


“Please help me!” I typed. “I need a supplier!”

“It’s Christmas! I’m desperate! We’re down to the wire!”

I listed my needs and sat back, all a-quiver

In hope that Procurious would quickly deliver.


A minute passed – or two, maybe three

Would this trick work? There’s no guarantee..

But then Procurious.com gave a “ding!”

Someone’s answered my question! I felt like a king!


A colleague I’d met on the site was quite happy

To suggest a supplier, a reputable chappy

who could sort out my problems, no matter how vast

And what’s more, will do it surprisingly fast.


That’s when I realised my problems were solved

The supply chain was saved, all worries dissolved.

I put on my coat and left with aplomb.

Merry Christmas, and thank you Procurious.com!

From dancing the night away, to leaping barriers to the evolution of procurement. But what skills do procurement professionals need to cultivate in the future? Learn more tomorrow.