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Les achats sous pression | Les chaînes d’approvisionnement plient et s’adaptent mais vont-elles rompre ? | Ivalua Research Report

Dec 7, 2022 at 1:17 PM
Resource Les achats sous pression | Les chaînes  d’approvisionnement  plient et s’adaptent mais  vont-elles rompre ? | Ivalua Research Report cover photo

Procurement and supply chain teams have been trying to hold the line against macroeconomic and global market forces that have been pushing hard against them for nearly three years. But the line has been slipping. If they aren’t able to overcome their challenges, 2023 could be their breaking point. 

Procurious and Ivalua have teamed up to survey procurement and supply chain professionals around the globe to understand the global economic, logistical, and market forces that are pressuring supply chain and procurement leaders in 2022 and as they prepare for 2023.

This French language edition of the report offers valuable insights on:

      - Organisational pressures on procurement teams

      - Talent shortages

      - Recessionary fears

      - Supply chain disruptions and shortage

      - Expectations for when we will see things bounce back.

Download the report today to learn more about the pressures facing procurement teams and how your peers are handling them. 

Procurement and supply chain teams have been trying to hold the line against macroeconomic and global market forces that have been pushing hard against them for nearly three years. But the line has been slipping. If they aren’t able to overcome their challenges, 2023 could be their breaking point. 

Procurious and Ivalua have teamed up to survey procurement and supply chain professionals around the globe to understand the global economic, logistical, and market forces that are pressuring supply chain and procurement leaders in 2022 and as they prepare for 2023.

The report offers valuable insights on:

      - Organisational pressures on procurement teams

      - Talent shortages

      - Recessionary fears

      - Supply chain disruptions and shortage

      - Expectations for when we will see things bounce back.

Download the report today to learn more about the pressures facing procurement teams and how your peers are handling them.