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Barbara Jacques

Director Services Procurement at PRO Unlimited
Hartford, Connecticut, United States, United States of America
Function: Consultancy, Strategy, & Transformation
Industry: Professional Services
Category: Contingent Labour

About me section iconAbout me

eProcurement professional with a proven track record of streamlining business processes and enhancing business systems that improve productivity, increase efficiency, and strengthen financial results. Solid track record negotiating and navigating complex partner agreements, implementation plans, and technical business requirements. Comprehensive understanding of P2P processes and eProcurement technologies (buy-side, sell-side), supplier networks, electronic catalogs and market trends. Consistent ability to dive deep into details while maintaining big picture perspective for steady program leadership. In my downtime I enjoy listening to live music, scuba diving and having fun with my flat coated retrievers.

Work experience section iconWork Experience

Director of Strategy

SupCat Services

March 2017 - March 2020 (3 years)
Barbara’s was responsible for developing our SupCat's Corporate and Service Implementation Strategy and Delivery framework. She also lead the strategy team in developing transformational approaches that support the project delivery and implementation of eProcurement technology solutions for complex global clients. Barbara’s experience includes global eProcurement implementation’s for Fortune 500 companies in a variety of industries including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, consulting, and oil & gas. Functional specialities include: eProcurement, Business Process Outsourcing, Global Process Implementation, Strategy Development, Communications / Change Mgmt., Supplier Networks, Supplier Enablement, Catalog Enablement, eInvoicing, Program/Project Mgmt.
Director, Services Procurement

PRO Unlimited

March 2020 - Present (4 years, 11 months)
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