What you Need to Know When Negotiating a Job Offer

Here’s what you need to know when negotiating a procurement job offer in these uncertain times. 

Times have changed since the Great Resignation. Procurement professionals may still be in-demand, but not quite to the same extent as before. So, If you find yourself in the fortunate position of receiving a job offer, there are several factors to consider that may not have been so crucial in the past.

During the immediate aftermath of the worst of the pandemic, when most developed countries had full employment, procurement professionals could almost ask for whatever they wanted and needed, and their wish would be their potential employer’s command. 

Now, though? Not so much. Here’s what you need to know when negotiating a job offer in these uncertain times. 

  1. Understand the person you’re negotiating with 

In any company – especially a big corporation – a lot goes into offering someone a job. There are multiple interviews to coordinate, background checks, reference checks, and then the preparation of the final offer. Regardless of whether you’re happy with the offer or not, you have to respect the person who is making it to you – including ensuring that you maintain a good relationship with them. 

For example, if it’s your new potential manager offering you a role, understand that they are busy, and if you have multiple questions about what’s being offered, they may not be the person to ask. They may, however, be the person that’s willing to fight for you, so if you require something specific, you should ask. 

If you’re being offered a role by an HR representative, they’ll be able and available to discuss specifics with you. They may, however, be unlikely to break protocol or simply be unable to shift the dial on salary, so ensure you pick and choose your conversations wisely. After all, both your manager and HR are people you want to keep onside if you do accept an offer. 

  1. Make it clear where you’ll toe the line 

As a procurement professional, it’s not uncommon to fight to the end to get the best deal. But as a candidate on the receiving end of a job offer, this strategy may not be in your best interests.

Job offers take work, and a hiring manager and HR team aren’t going to want to keep fighting for you if it seems like you won’t accept anyway – especially in this climate. Of course, it may be possible to improve your offer by mentioning that you have other options, but if you keep mentioning these, or expressing a greater interest in them, then this may leave a poor impression with the organisation that is making you an offer. 

To ensure you play your cards correctly, make sure you are specific about what conditions you require to accept an offer, and once they are met, ensure that you promptly accept. 

  1. Don’t underestimate how important it is to be likeable 

In a highly competitive job market, it’s possible to play hardball when negotiating a job offer, even if this puts people offside. Indeed, many procurement professionals do this with suppliers…But unfortunately, this is not the best strategy when it comes to job offers in the current climate. 

Remember the cardinal rule of being polite and likeable throughout the negotiation process. Ask for what you believe you are worth and explain why you deserve it. Avoid being petty about minor aspects of the offer that can be negotiated later. Building rapport and likability with organisations and hiring managers significantly increase the likelihood that they will fight for you.

How are your job offer negotiations going in this climate? What tips would you give to people in this position? Let us know in the comments below.