National Coalition for Public Procurement formed in the US

A coalition for public procurement has been formed in the US.

Volunteers from three of the largest U.S. procurement programs for public agencies, educational institutions and nonprofit organisations have joined together to establish The National Coalition for Public Procurement (NCPP)

The NCPP will serve to drive best practices in public cooperative procurement, focusing on transparency, competition, integrity, auditability and process.

Marc Selvitelli (who will serve as NCPP’s Executive Director) said: “NCPP was founded on the belief that uniting customers and potential customers with national and regional purchasing organisations will ensure the most ethical and best business practices.”

NCPP’s founding organisations include the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company, the National Joint Powers Alliance and The Cooperative Purchasing Network.

In addition to regular interactions with public procurement practitioners and contract purchasing organisations, NCPP will provide an independent forum for members to collectively address cooperative contract procurement concerns. Members also will have the opportunity to participate in advocacy issues with a united voice, and they will have access to a variety of resources to advance best practices in public procurement.

“A major factor in selecting SmithBucklin was its expertise in starting and managing a new organisation,” said Todd Abner, NCPP Chairman. “Additionally, SmithBucklin has substantial experience in managing associations that are active in procurement and supply chain.”

“It is a privilege to help launch NCPP,” said Matt Sanderson, Executive Vice President & Chief Executive, Business + Trade Industry Practice. “We look forward to helping establish NCPP as a powerful voice in advocating excellence in public procurement.”

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Aug 20 2015, 3:44 PM
2 min read
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