International Women’s Day 2021: Let’s #ChooseToChallenge

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Procurious highlights 11 challengers that are breaking the status quo, driving change and inspiring women everywhere.

The challenges facing women in the workforce are robust and pervasive. You already know the facts: Women are less likely to be offered mission critical roles and profile-building opportunities. The pay, recognition and leadership gap remains, despite years of fighting for equality. 

You can’t be what you can’t see – so we’re shining a light

Despite these challenges, women everywhere are making a difference, driving change and

leading truly remarkable initiatives. It’s time that everyone takes notice – and today, to kickoff International Women’s Day – Procurious are doing our part to make that happen.

We’re proud to share our newly released Challengers yearbook, which profiles 11 inspiring women in the procurement and supply chain industry that are breaking barriers, disrupting businesses and transforming communities. These women are challenging critical issues and doing their part to elevate their female peers. Check out our report to hear their stories and get their advice.

Introducing the 2021 Supply Chain and Procurement Challengers

Our global community nominated 11 women to our list. Here’s what they are challenging this year:

  1. Challenging imposter syndrome is Alyssa Stricklan – Commodity Manager, Intel Corporation.
  2. Challenging the gender pay gap is Tania Seary  –  Founding Chairman, Procurious
  3. Challenging age bias is Ashleigh Turner – Procurement Category Manager, Hastings Deering
  4. Challenging sustainability issues is Clare Hobby Director, Purchaser Engagement at TCO Development
  5. Challenging the negative stereotypes about women as negotiators is Natalie Reynolds – Founder, Advantage Spring
  6. Challenging procurement’s persistent lament that we need a seat at the table is Joanna Martinez  – Author, Thought Leader and Speaker
  7. Challenging climate emissions is Skipp Williamson – Consultant, Partners in Performance
  8. Challenging procurement data is Stephany Lapierre – CEO of tealbook
  9. Challenging the preconception of female and male behaviors is Francesca Westen –  APAC Procurement Director, Diageo
  10. Challenging women to embrace their own value is Rachel Wu  –  Managing Director: Asia and Head of Procurement & Supply, Axis Group
  11. Challenging the gender divide is Celia Cattelain – Non-Executive Director and Corporate Impact Advisor 

“I am impressed by this diverse group of women. Their accomplishments show that women are indeed growing and getting empowered in all different domains of the procurement world, be it tech, or procurement practices,” commented Sara Omer, Sales Director MENA at Ivalua

This is a very encouraging sight and proof for women who are aspiring to carve their names in the procurement leadership ranks.”

Motivation Monday: Five Pieces of Advice for Fellow Challengers

The Challengers report is full of practical advice, motivational stories and hard-hitting lessons. Here’s a preview:

  1. “Never underestimate the impact you are having on your environment and the people you touch.”  Francesca Westen
  2. “You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.”   Tania Seary
  3. “Be confident. Do not be shy to grab bigger opportunities and never underestimate yourself.” Rachel Wu
  4. “Don’t be the person restricting someone else’s growth and potential. Give them opportunities to show their talents and prove their worth.” Ashleigh Turner
  5. “Know that the voice of procurement is critical. Never stop asking your vendors the sticky questions – and hold them accountable.”  Clare Hobby

Advance and Elevate Your Career

At Procurious, we also #ChooseToChallenge. We choose to challenge equality, career advancement, equal pay and professional development. We choose to challenge the disproportionate amount of female executives in procurement and supply chain.  

And we’re taking action. This April, Procurious is launching Bravo, a membership empowerment program designed for women in procurement and supply chain. Hosted via Procurious, Bravo includes a high energy, high vibe learning event, leadership mentoring, six masterclasses-that-matter, virtual networking and more. Whether you’re starting out in procurement, running the show or looking for that sense of connection with like-minded women, the Bravo community will provide the support, mentorship and training you need to get ahead and make a bigger impact.

Sound interesting? Download our Challengers report and we’ll automatically add you to the mailing list for Bravo. Can’t wait? Get more information now.