Big Ideas Summit 2016: Big Idea #18 – Integrated Procurement Operations

Could integrated procurement operations help break down silos and instil good practices? Isn’t it time to find out?

At the Big Ideas Summit 2016, we challenged our thought leaders to share their Big Ideas for the future of procurement.

From ideas that have the potential to change the very nature of the procurement profession, to ones that got the assembled minds thinking about the profession’s impact outside of the organisation, the response we received was amazing.

Success is Integrated Procurement

Anna del Mar, Director at Future Purchasing, believes that procurement doesn’t need to be separate to the rest of the business. She believes the function can be integrated into the business, instilling the culture of good procurement across the organisation.

Anna goes on to say that by up-skilling everyone in the business to be great procurement people, it will help to increase collaboration in the business. This can also take away the silo mentality, and allow procurement to act as a guide along the way.

Catch up with all the delegates’ Big Ideas from the 2016 Summit at the Procurious Learning Hub.

Want to find out more about Big Ideas 2016? And maybe what we have planned for 2017? You can visit our dedicated website!

Integrate Your Learning & Career

If you enjoyed Anna’s Big Idea and you want to read more from her, then you’re in luck! Anna shared her wealth of experience in procurement, and gave her 5 top tips to stand out from the crowd.

You can hear all our podcasts, and read all our great content by enlisting here. You can catch up on topics from becoming a CPO, to taking your conscience to work, and many more.

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