Big Ideas Summit 2016: Big Idea #22 – Revolutionising Financial Services

Crowdsourcing and mobile technology will change the face of Financial Services and how new businesses source funding.

At the Big Ideas Summit 2016, we challenged our thought leaders to share their Big Ideas for the future of procurement.

From ideas that have the potential to change the very nature of the procurement profession, to ones that got the assembled minds thinking about the profession’s impact outside of the organisation, the response we received was amazing.

Winds of Change in Financial Services

Chris Hancock, CEO at Crowd2Fund, says that there is a revolution coming in the global Financial Services sector, thanks to the power of community and new mobile technology.

Chris draws on his own experience to explain how this revolution will change how money is lent to businesses. This in turn will help to increase the number of small, agile, innovative businesses getting started.

Catch up with all the delegates’ Big Ideas from the 2016 Summit at the Procurious Learning Hub.

Want to find out more about Big Ideas 2016? And maybe what we have planned for 2017? You can visit our dedicated website!

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