Blog / Kristian Petterson

Why Agile Business Models Help in a Changing Ecosystem
Whether global giant or SME, the supply chain ecosystem provides opportunities for all organisations. Particularly those agile enough to adapt to the changing environment. In our previous article, we looked at how the future of logistics may look from a technological perspective. Today, we’ll look at the potential changes in business models that will define … Continue reading Why Agile Business Models Help in a Changing Ecosystem

Faster, Cheaper, Better – The Future of Logistics
As technology drives change in logistics, companies must meet increasing consumer demand. But what does it mean for traditional labour roles? Logistics has never felt more fluid and subject to change. In this article, we’re going to look at the key factors driving all this change and then consider how technology will develop in the … Continue reading Faster, Cheaper, Better – The Future of Logistics

Dynamic Solutions to Dynamic Problems
‘Pop up Warehousing’ and ‘Dynamic Warehousing Networks’ are new terms hoping to provide dynamic solutions to solve an old problem – large fluctuations in stock. Whether predictable or unexpected, most businesses have had to deal with stock maxing out their facilities from time to time. Moreover, as managing average or normal stock levels has become … Continue reading Dynamic Solutions to Dynamic Problems