Blog / Simona Pop

Don’t be Fooled and Underestimate Blockchain
Do you find it comforting to dismiss blockchain as “flash in the pan”? Simona Pop believes you’d be a fool to do so and explains why it will live up to the hype. There is a pattern emerging where new technologies are treated with a certain degree of skepticism. After the initial wave of excitement … Continue reading Don’t be Fooled and Underestimate Blockchain

How To Convince Hostile Stakeholders To Adopt New Technology
Simona Pop’s Big Idea provides a recipe for convincing even the most unwilling departmental heads to embrace new technology. Register as an online delegate for the London Big Ideas Summit 2017 here. Deciding to adopt a new technology has historically been a pain in the ass. An expensive, dull, prolonged pain nobody wants to deal with. … Continue reading How To Convince Hostile Stakeholders To Adopt New Technology

In Business Relationships, It’s All About H2H (Human to Human)
Simona Pop shares her Big Idea on why procurement technology needs to promote – not obstruct – trust, transparency and common goals. Register as an online delegate for the London Big Ideas Summit 2017 here. We know that many organisations are still mired in decades-old procurement processes. Besides the inherent inefficiency of paper-based workflows, spreadsheets and … Continue reading In Business Relationships, It’s All About H2H (Human to Human)

The Fear of Technology in Hospitality
Legacy systems and poor past user experiences are creating a fear around technology in the hospitality industry. “I think it’s difficult for technology to get to the top of the list of things to do next” said Jane Pendlebury, CEO of HOSPA, in our recent roundtable on the topic of technology in hospitality. And with … Continue reading The Fear of Technology in Hospitality

How can Procurement Work Smarter, Not Harder?
Time never seems to be on our side. It’s time for procurement spend its time more wisely, and work smarter, by leveraging new technology. Procurement, finance and operations have forever been working on ways to integrate simply and effectively. While it is reasonably simple to coordinate small teams in one office, hospitality is one industry … Continue reading How can Procurement Work Smarter, Not Harder?

Life Changing Technology to Save You Time
When time is money, making sure you’re spending it on what matters is a key metric to profitability. Do you know how much time you’re spending on certain tasks? Do you know how your teams are spending their work day? And more importantly, do you know how your finance teams are spending their time? Where … Continue reading Life Changing Technology to Save You Time

Stop…Millennial Time!
The Millennials are here and there is nothing you can do to stop them. Those born between 1982 and 2000 have surpassed the Baby Boomers in sheer numbers and are now the top consumers globally. Hospitality is one of the most challenged industries when it comes to ‘Keeping up with the Millennials’, as it is … Continue reading Stop…Millennial Time!