Blog / Octavio Fernández Suñer

Unpicking The Kraljic Matrix for Procurement
Learn how the Kraljic Matrix tool works and how to apply it when developing strategies in procurement. It is a dynamic tool, based on a decision matrix and a key tool for procurement. In 1983, the world was introduced to The Kraljic Matrix. But is it still as relevant to procurement today? September 1983: Peter … Continue reading Unpicking The Kraljic Matrix for Procurement

Emotional Intelligence in the Supply Chain
Emotional Intelligence can be a powerful tool for procurement in dealing with both internal customers and external suppliers. There has been a lot of talk recently about the concept of emotional intelligence. According to Wikipedia, it is defined as “the capacity of individuals to recognise their own, and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different … Continue reading Emotional Intelligence in the Supply Chain

5 Price Analysis Methodologies to Apply to Negotiated Costs
How can you find out if you’ve got a good deal from your negotiation? Here are some price analysis tools that could help you out. One of the key performance measures that invariably arises at the end of a negotiation is if the final price achieved is a good one or not. If we, as buyers, … Continue reading 5 Price Analysis Methodologies to Apply to Negotiated Costs