Blog / Market Dojo

Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age? – Part IV
As B2B technology companies are beginning to realise the benefits of being easy to use, what changes do we think will happen? How do we envisage the B2B tech space evolving within the next 5-10 years? Market Dojo put an article together examining what it would look like in 10 years time, and how it will have … Continue reading Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age? – Part IV

Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age? – Part III
If procurement technology is stuck in the stone age, what do we need to do to modernise? We take a look at some B2C examples for inspiration. So far in this series, Market Dojo and Odesma have discussed whether procurement technology is stuck in the stone age, and why B2B software isn’t keeping up with … Continue reading Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age? – Part III

Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age? – Part II
Is procurement losing ground by having antiquated, “stone-age” technology solutions? Why are B2B solutions struggling to keep up? This article was originally published on Market Dojo. In the second article in this series (you can read the first part here), Anya McKenna, of Market Dojo, and Ed Cross, of Odesma, ponder why B2B software remains … Continue reading Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age? – Part II

Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age?
Ed Cross, co-founder at Odesma, and Anya McKenna (of Market Dojo) ponder the neanderthalic and stone age ways of B2B software… The peculiar thing about business technology is that generally it is not very easy to use. I might exclude here email, but the rest of it seems to need a training course and some … Continue reading Are Procurement Professionals Stuck in the Stone Age?

All for One, Innovation for None
Another public procurement price analysis article has made national headlines recently, found here on BBC News. Many thanks to Market Dojo for giving Procurious permission to republish this article. The Home Office conducted a study into police procurement trends across 20 common items including batons, uniforms and helmets. I haven’t read the Home Office study in detail, but … Continue reading All for One, Innovation for None