Blog / Karen Morley

How To Be Visible, Feel Authentic And Advance Your Career
You can’t be what you can’t see has become a catch cry for the lack of visibility of women in leadership roles. It’s a bit of a Catch-22. To be prepared to be visible, to feel authentic and to advance your career is so much easier when you can follow women who’ve already blazed the … Continue reading How To Be Visible, Feel Authentic And Advance Your Career

Thanks Gillette. Why Men Should Aim To Be The Best They Can Be
The recent Gillette ad caused a massive response for a 1:47 minute film. Is it the close shave we had to have, or one that’s just too close for comfort? The ad actively highlights the importance of rejecting toxic behaviour, showing men intervening when others are harassed or bullied, and helping to protect children from … Continue reading Thanks Gillette. Why Men Should Aim To Be The Best They Can Be

Advocating For Inclusion Is The Best Way To Get It
Advocacy increases inclusion. Being an advocate makes a difference and you can increase inclusion by using your voice within your network… Small acts of advocacy are all it takes to make a social movement. The #metoo movement was for the 12 years prior to last year’s Harvey Weinstein scandal a very small force for change. … Continue reading Advocating For Inclusion Is The Best Way To Get It

How To Free Your Decisions From Bias
It’s not easy to free yourself and others from decision bias. But the pay off for your organisation is worth it… A CEO mentioned recently to me his frustration with a few of his Senior Leaders who play the ‘merit card’ whenever diversity is raised. In doing so, they stymie good initiatives. Each small block … Continue reading How To Free Your Decisions From Bias

#Metoo: Coming To Your Workplace In 2018
#Metoo changed the gender equality landscape dramatically in the space of a few months. Here’s how we can build upon those hard-won gains. #Metoo has shaken the world – and rightly so. That it has taken until 2017 for significant attention to be paid to the harassment and abuse that women have been subjected to by … Continue reading #Metoo: Coming To Your Workplace In 2018

Procurement Rising Stars: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
Karen Morley realised very early on in her career that her workplace experience would be somewhat different from her male counterparts. Drawing on her wealth of knowledge she offers three key pieces of advice to procurement rising stars. Join our Women in Procurement group, Bravo, here. Quite early in my career, it became clear that my overarching purpose was to help leaders realise … Continue reading Procurement Rising Stars: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

How Women Can Accelerate Their Procurement Leadership Careers
The ‘think manager, think male’ perception is interfering with women’s procurement leadership progression. But change is in the air… No doubt by now you’re familiar with the following. Women tend to wait to apply for promotional roles until they are 100 per cent ready, whereas men jump in when they are just 60 per cent … Continue reading How Women Can Accelerate Their Procurement Leadership Careers

What Price Inequality? What Should We Make of Opposition to Equality?
Not all bias is unconscious. Recent derogatory comments by high-profile public figures has drawn attention back to the equality debate. How should we understand the spate of recent derogatory comments by high profile figures such as Steve Price and Eddie Maguire about women? And by Sonia Kruger and Pauline Hansen with their anti-Muslim comments? How do … Continue reading What Price Inequality? What Should We Make of Opposition to Equality?

Queen Bee Syndrome debunked: the sting isn’t where you think it is
Historically, successful women have run the risk of being characterized as the “quintessential ‘bitch’ who is concerned not at all about others but only about herself”. Women regarded as successful attract negative reactions that focus primarily on their interpersonal capabilities. Meryl Streep’s character in The Devil Wears Prada is often used to illustrate the point. … Continue reading Queen Bee Syndrome debunked: the sting isn’t where you think it is

Gender Balanced Leadership – Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action, and the use of quotas and targets in business, creates stigma and erodes merit. Fact or fiction? Read the first part of my update here. Affirmative action measures such as quotas and targets are seen to be problematic for many reasons. Perhaps the biggest concern is that women will be selected for roles based … Continue reading Gender Balanced Leadership – Affirmative Action