Blog / Helen Mackenzie

How to Train Your Brain for Better Procurement Performance
Turns out, procurement and neuroscience make a great match! Our recent Roundtable with Ivalua showed us how… Have you ever wondered why some people in your procurement team are better at the supplier validation piece than others? Does it just come down to someone being disciplined and organised? Or are there other factors at play? … Continue reading How to Train Your Brain for Better Procurement Performance

5 Top Tips For 2021 Procurement Planning – It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do It
How can a few tips in the short term fundamentally change not just your long-term plans, but the way you plan altogether? Our Principal Advisor Helen Mackenzie writes. Are you starting to plan for 2021 and what the next phase could be for your category or your team? Are you pondering what the future might … Continue reading 5 Top Tips For 2021 Procurement Planning – It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do It

Is The Secret To Change And Successful Innovation A Matter Of Timing?
Innovation and change – we know we need to do it but taking the first step is always hard. However, waiting until change is forced upon us could lead to even more pain. “Execution is all about timing – people don’t want to do things differently…until they have to” James Varga, CEO – DirectID Change. … Continue reading Is The Secret To Change And Successful Innovation A Matter Of Timing?

A Decade In Review: Procurement In 2020
Is procurement less, just as, or more important this decade than the last? Find out as we take a walk down memory lane… It’s the dawn of a new decade in procurement, and goodness me, how things have changed. From the digitisation of just about everything, to the introduction of big data, 2020 looks vastly … Continue reading A Decade In Review: Procurement In 2020

Four Reasons Why Value Is the New Procurement Normal
We’re all talking about delivering value these days in procurement, aren’t we? But with so many definitions around, how do we maximise its impact? We’re all talking about delivering value these days in procurement, aren’t we? Value is now the new normal. And everyone has their own take on what delivering value for the business really … Continue reading Four Reasons Why Value Is the New Procurement Normal

Three Reasons I’m Excited About Blockchain
Blockchain – is it the answer to procurement and supply chain’s prayers? Or is it over hyped, another ‘technological innovation’ that promises much and delivers little? I must admit I was leaning towards the pessimistic camp – when were those great use cases really going to happen? I signed up for the Procurious webinar to … Continue reading Three Reasons I’m Excited About Blockchain

Authentic Leadership Is As Easy As ABC
Most procurement pros are in agreement that authentic leadership is a great thing. But what actually constitutes an authentic leader? It’s as easy as ABC… Join The Big Ideas Summit 2017 group to access all of last week’s discussions and exclusive video content. Have you ever wondered about that term Authentic Leadership? We’ve seen it so often in blog … Continue reading Authentic Leadership Is As Easy As ABC

Creating Community Empowerment With Football
How taking an interest in football can help put community empowerment at the heart of public procurement. Lots of public bodies at national, regional and local level like to talk about community empowerment don’t they? That’s because promoting community empowerment is perhaps the holy grail of participatory democracy. Many politicians and policy makers believe that … Continue reading Creating Community Empowerment With Football

7 Reasons Why Procurement is the Perfect Valentine
Don’t be shy, you can finally admit it. You’ve always thought that procurement is the perfect Valentine for your organisation. It’s that time of year again. The shops are full of hearts and flowers and we’re all encouraged to share the love. But, in these times of increased pressure to deliver, reduce costs and improve … Continue reading 7 Reasons Why Procurement is the Perfect Valentine

The Great Procurement Social Value Bake-Off
How promoting social value in public contracts should be the icing on the procurement cake. Well, what a task! I’ve just finished commenting on the draft statutory guidance to implement the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act, perhaps one of the most ambitious pieces of public procurement legislation that the world has ever seen! Worryingly, in amongst … Continue reading The Great Procurement Social Value Bake-Off