6 Ways to Attract and Retain Procurement Talent

Procurement job openings are on the rise and, as organisations squabble over the best talent, it’s important to make sure you’re doing the right things to attract the crowd you want!

Recent studies reveal that the number of advertised procurement and supply chain roles increase by 22 per cent each year, demonstrating a huge demand for talent in the industry.

As more people consider making the move into a procurement role, it’s important for organisations to find ways to attract the best possible employees.

I’ve come up with six innovative methods that will help you to attract, and then retain, the top talent out there.

1) Emphasise Your Standing Within the Industry

The position your company holds within the industry plays an important role in a potential candidate’s decision to apply or not.

Demonstrating extensive experience and knowledge of your industry will show candidates that you are a firm to be taken seriously. It’s crucial that you explain the influence your company has within your sector by highlighting the key successes you have enjoyed.

2) Offer an Attractive Salary

If you want to recruit the best talent, you need to offer a competitive wage. It’s important that you look at what similar businesses are offering, and how you’re able to match it.

If an employee is deciding whether to go with you or another employer with a better wage, chances are they will pick the higher salaried position. If you can’t quite match the salary your competitors are offering, investigate how to make your position seem more attractive by offering employee benefits and rewards.

3) Provide the Training and Support Needed to Succeed

Showing that you value your staff and take their development seriously is a great way to attract talented professionals to your available roles – think what training or support you can offer that will encourage professional growth.

Those who are serious about their career will actively seek out any opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge. Employers who can’t offer a competitive wage may find that by showcasing the importance of training and support within their company, they can still attract a high calibre of talent.

By providing the training and skills needed to succeed, you’ll show a determination and passion to help your employees climb the career ladder.

4) Stay On Top of Industry Trends

Is your company making any broad moves to digitise how its employees work? The procurement and supply chain industry is continuously facing rapid technology change. With new software and developments changing the way the industry works, you need to stay on top of these changes in order to attract the best staff.

The latest E-procurement software allows businesses to smoothen out operational processes. By having up-to-date tools, you will demonstrate to both current staff and potential candidates that you are keen to stay ahead in the technology game.

5) Clearly Articulate the Skills Required

When advertising your job offerings, it’s pivotal that you understand the role fully.

Fully articulate the skills and abilities you’re looking for and you will attract the relevant procurement staff. Being thorough and clearly describing the role will show talented individuals that you know your industry.

6) Forging Strong Relationships with Other Departments

Procurement seeks out new ways for organisations to work, throughout every department in the company. It is essential that your procurement department have strong relationships with other members of the organisation in order to work effectively.

When advertising new positions, demonstrate how well departments work together and how the role of procurement comes into play within your company. This will help to show potential candidates just how seriously you take procurement.

Attracting the Right Candidates to Succeed – In Summary

To appear attractive to potential candidates, it’s important that you speak their language.

Using the correct business jargon, thoroughly explaining the role and outlining how your organisation is beneficial to their career success will help you draw in the right people for your procurement roles. Knowing the industry will also help to retain your best talent.

With the procurement sector receiving a huge demand for roles, it’s vital you find how to reach the right people who will not only work for you but stay with you too.

Adam Maidment is a content writer for Portfolio Procurement, a procurement recruitment specialist which focuses on managerial roles through to executive appointments in procurement, category management and leadership.