Jamil Qureshi
Motivational Speaker and Coach
Topic:Delivering high performance
Jamil Qureshi is one of today's foremost practitioners of performance enhancing psychology and is an expert in high performing teams.
Jamil has enjoyed working with a rich diversity of the most talented business and sports people and teams in the world, helping six individuals g...

Michael Ford
Global Expert EHS and Sustainability
Topic:Modern Slavery
Mike became exposed to supply chains when he first started in the area of health and safety management 25 years ago.
After working as Head of Health and Safety on some of the largest metro projects in Europe with responsibility for pre-qualifying and monitoring direct and in-dir...

Dr Paul Joesbury B.Eng. (Hons), MBA, FCIPS
Founder, Procurement Doctor
Topic:Research insights
Paul is a director and co-founder of the Procurement Doctor™ – a not for profit organization that aims to bridge the gap between academia and practice to improve the procurement and supply chain profession by making independent academic research more accessible to the practitione...