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Procurement Early Involvement for IT Purchases

I’m trying to learn if it’s a problem to get internal stakeholders to involve procurement early in the IT purchasing process (ideally in the requirements definition phase). Can you help answer the 3 questions below? Thanks for your help. You can reply using this format: 1,1,Software X A) Do you find it frustrating to get internal stakeholders to involve procurement early for IT purchases? 1 – Completely satisfied 2 – Mostly satisfied 3 – Somewhat satisfied 4 – Neither satisfied nor frustrated 5 – Somewhat frustrated 6 – Mostly frustrated 7 – Completely Frustrated B) How impactful would consistent early involvement for IT purchases be for procurement? 1- Not at all impactful 2- Slightly impactful 3- Moderately impactful 4 - Very impactful 5 - Extremely impactful C) Do you invest in any tools to improve procurement early involvement for IT purchases? If yes, which tools do you use?
Answers (4)